Banks should immediately put in
place a cyber-security policy elucidating the strategy to combat cyber threats
by September 30, 2016.
Cyber Security Policy to be distinct
from the broader IT policy / IS Security Policy of a bank
Cyber Security Policy should be distinct
and separate from IT policy / IS Security policy.
While identifying and assessing the
inherent risks, banks are required to reckon
· The technologies
· Alignment with
business and regulatory requirements,
· Connections
· Delivery
· Online / mobile
· Technology
· Organisational
culture and
· Internal &
external threats.
Depending on this, the banks are
required to identify their riskiness as low, moderate, high and very high or
adopt any other similar categorisation. Riskiness of the business component
also may be factored into while assessing the inherent risks.
While evaluating the controls, the
following concerns must be outlined
· Board oversight,
· Policies &
· Cyber risk
management architecture, including experienced and qualified resources,
· Training and
· Threat intelligence
gathering arrangements,
· Monitoring and
analysing the threat intelligence received vis-à-vis the situation obtaining in
· Information sharing
arrangements (among peer banks, with IDRBT/RBI/CERT-In),
· Preventive,
detective and corrective cyber security controls,
· Vendor
management and incident management & response
Arrangement for
continuous surveillance
Testing for vulnerabilities at
reasonable intervals of time is very important. It is also essential that this
Centre ensures continuous surveillance and keeps itself regularly updated on
the latest nature of emerging cyber threats.
IT architecture
should be conducive to security
The IT architecture should be designed to
take care of facilitating the security measures. It needs to be reviewed by the
IT Sub Committee of the Board and upgraded, in a phased manner. The risk
cost/potential cost trade off decisions which a bank may take should be
recorded in writing.
An indicative, minimum baseline cyber
security and resilience framework is to be implemented by the banks.
address network and database security
It is essential that unauthorized access
to networks and databases is not allowed and wherever permitted, these are
through well-defined processes. Responsibility over such networks and databases
should be elucidated and rest with the officials of the bank.
Protection of customer information
Banks, should take appropriate steps in
preserving the Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability of the customer data.
Cyber Crisis
Management Plan
A Cyber Crisis Management Plan (CCMP)
should be immediately evolved and should be a part of the overall Board
approved strategy. CERT-IN has come out with National Cyber Crisis Management
Plan and Cyber Security Assessment Framework. CERT-In/NCIIPC/RBI/IDRBT guidance
may be referred to while formulating the CCMP.
CCMP should address the following four
(iii) Recovery and
(iv) Containment.
Banks need to take effective measures to
prevent cyber-attacks and detect any cyber-intrusions so as to respond /
recover / contain the fall out. Banks are expected to be well prepared to face
emerging cyber-threats such as ‘zero-day’ attacks, remote access threats, and
targeted attacks. Among other things, banks should take necessary preventive
and corrective measures in addressing various types of cyber threats including,
but not limited to, denial of service, distributed denial of services (DDoS),
ransom-ware / crypto ware, destructive malware, business email frauds including
spam, email phishing, spear phishing, whaling, vishing frauds, drive-by
downloads, browser gateway fraud, ghost administrator exploits, identity
frauds, memory update frauds, password related frauds, etc.
Cyber security
preparedness indicators
The adequacy of and adherence to cyber
resilience framework should be assessed and measured through development of
indicators to assess the level of risk/preparedness.
Sharing of
information on cyber-security incidents with RBI
Collaboration among entities in sharing
the cyber-incidents and the best practices would facilitate timely measures in containing cyber-risks. Banks need to report all unusual
cyber-security incidents to the Reserve Bank.
Reporting framework
It has been decided to collect both
summary level information as well as details on information security incidents
including cyber-incidents..
An immediate
assessment of gaps in preparedness to be reported to RBI
The material gaps in controls may be
identified early and appropriate remedial action under the active guidance and
oversight of the IT Sub Committee as well as by the Board may be initiated
Banks should review the organisational
arrangements so that the security concerns are appreciated, receive adequate
attention and get escalated to appropriate levels in the hierarchy to enable
quick action.
awareness among stakeholders / Top Management / Board
Top Management and Board should have a
fair degree of awareness of the fine nuances of the threats and appropriate
familiarisation may be organized. Banks should proactively promote, among their
customers, vendors, service providers and other relevant stakeholders an
understanding of the bank’s cyber resilience objectives, and require and ensure
appropriate action to support their synchronised implementation and testing.
Baseline Cyber
Security and Resilience Requirements
An indicative list of requirements to be
put in place by banks to achieve baseline cyber-security/resilience is given.
This may be evaluated periodically to integrate risks that arise due to newer
threats, products or processes. Important security controls for effective cyber
security as may be articulated by CERT-In also may be referred. Some of the key
points to be kept in mind are:
role of IT Sub-committee may be reviewed.
is important to stay ahead of the adversary.
Security Operations Centre should have the capacity to monitor various logs /
incidents in real time / near real time.
is important to keep the vigil and to constantly remain alert.
hardware devices and software applications may provide security, it is
important to configure them appropriately.
resources are to be provided with appropriate training. Communicate the
security policy of the bank periodically.
Inventory Management of Business IT
an up-to-date inventory of Assets, including business data/information
including customer data/information, business applications, supporting IT
infrastructure and facilities – hardware/software/network devices, key
personnel, services, etc.
data/information based on information classification/sensitivity criteria of
the bank
manage and provide protection within and outside organisation borders/network.
Preventing execution of unauthorised
an up-to-date and preferably centralised inventory of authorised/unauthorised
software(s). Consider implementing whitelisting of authorised applications /
software/libraries, etc.
mechanism to control installation of software/applications on end-user PCs,
laptops, workstations, servers, mobile devices, etc. and mechanism to block
/prevent and identify installation and running of unauthorised
monitor the release of patches by various vendors / OEMs, advisories issued by
CERT-in and other similar agencies and expeditiously apply the security patches
as per the patch management policy of the bank.
a clearly defined framework, for justifying
the exception(s), duration of exception(s), process of granting exceptions, and
authority for approving, authority for review of exceptions granted on a
periodic basis by officer(s) who are well equipped to understand the business
and technical context of the exception(s).
Environmental Controls
in place appropriate environmental controls for securing a location of critical
assets, providing protection from natural and man-made threats.
in place mechanisms for monitoring of breaches / compromises of environmental
controls relating to temperature, water, smoke, access alarms, service
availability alerts, access logs, etc. Appropriate physical security measures
shall be taken to protect the critical assets of the bank.
Network Management and Security
and maintain an up-to-date network architecture diagram at the organisation
level including wired/wireless networks;
an up-to-date/centralised inventory of authorised devices connected to bank’s
network and authorised devices enabling the bank’s network. The bank may
consider implementing solutions to automate network discovery and management.
that all the network devices are configured appropriately and assess it periodically;
in appropriate controls to secure wireless local area networks, wireless access
points, wireless client access systems.
mechanisms to identify authorised hardware / mobile devices like Laptops,
mobile phones, tablets, etc. and ensure that they are provided connectivity
only when they meet the security requirements.
mechanism to automatically identify unauthorised device connections to the
bank’s network and block such connections.
in place mechanism to detect and remedy any unusual activities in systems,
servers, network devices and endpoints.
Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for all major IT activities including for
connecting devices to the network.
Operation Centre to monitor the logs of various network activities and should
have the capability to escalate any abnormal / undesirable activities.
defences should be multi-layered with properly configured firewalls, proxies,
DMZ perimeter networks, and network--‐based IPS and
IDS. Mechanism to filter both inbound and outbound traffic to be put in place.
Secure Configuration
and apply baseline security requirements/configurations to all categories of
devices, throughout the lifecycle and carry out reviews periodically,
evaluate critical device configurations and patch levels for all systems in the
bank’s network including in Data Centres, in third party hosted sites,
shared-infrastructure locations.
Application Security Life Cycle (ASLC)
information security across all stages of application life cycle.
may consider conducting source code audits or have assurance
from application providers/OEMs that the application is free from embedded
malicious code.
coding practices may be implemented for internally /collaboratively developed applications.
business functionalities, security requirements relating to system access
control, authentication, transaction authorization, data integrity, system
activity logging, audit trail, session management, security event tracking and
exception handling are required to be clearly specified at the initial and
ongoing stages of system development/ acquisition/ implementation.
development, test and production environments are to be segregated.
development should be based on threat modelling, incorporate secure coding
principles and security testing based on global standards and secure rollout.
that software/application development practices addresses the vulnerabilities
based on best practices baselines such as Open Web Application Security Project
(OWASP) and adopt principle of defence-in-depth to provide layered security
installing a “containerized” apps on mobile/smart phones for exclusive business
use that is encrypted and separated from other smartphone data/applications;
measures to initiate a remote wipe on the containerized app, rendering the data
unreadable, in case of requirement may also be considered.
that adoption of new technologies shall be adequately evaluated for security
threats and IT security team of the bank reach reasonable level of comfort and
maturity with such technologies before introducing for critical systems of the
Patch/Vulnerability & Change
a documented risk-based strategy for inventorying IT components that need to be
patched, identification of patches and applying patches.
in place systems and processes to identify, track, manage and monitor the
status of patches to the operating system and application software running at
end-user devices directly connected to the internet and in respect of Server
operating Systems/Databases/Applications/ Middleware, etc.
to business applications, supporting technology, service components and
facilities should be managed using robust configuration management processes,
configuration baseline that ensure integrity of any changes thereto
conduct VA/PT of internet facing web/mobile applications, servers & network
components throughout their lifecycle (pre-implementation, post implementation,
after changes etc.)
conduct Application security testing of web/mobile applications throughout
their lifecycle in environment closely resembling or replica of production
a threat mitigation strategy, identify the root cause of incident and apply
necessary patches to plug the vulnerabilities.
evaluate the access device configurations and patch levels to ensure that all
access points, nodes between (i) different VLANs in the Data Centre (ii)
LAN/WAN interfaces (iii) bank’s network to external network and
interconnections with partner, vendor and service provider networks are to be
securely configured.
User Access
Control / Management
Provide secure access to the bank’s
assets/services from within/outside bank’s network by protecting
data/information at rest and in-transit.
Carefully protect customer access
credentials such as logon userid, authentication information and tokens, access
profiles, etc. against leakage/attacks
Disallow administrative rights on
end-user workstations/PCs/laptops and provide access rights on a need to know
basis and for specific duration when it is required following an established
Implement centralised authentication and
authorisation system or accessing and administering applications, operating
systems, databases, network and security devices/systems, point of connectivity
including enforcement of strong password policy, two-factor/multi-factor
authentication depending on risk assessment and following the principle of
least privileges and separation of duties.
Implement appropriate systems and
controls to allow, manage, log and monitor privileged/superuser/administrative
access to critical systems.
Implement controls to minimize invalid
logon counts, deactivate dormant accounts.
any abnormal change in pattern of logon.
measures to control installation of software on PCs/laptops, etc.
Implement controls for remote
management/wiping/locking of mobile devices including laptops, etc.
Implement measures to control use of
VBA/macros in office documents, control permissible attachment types in email
Framework for Customers
Implement authentication
framework/mechanism to provide positive identify verification of bank to
identity information should be kept secure.
Banks should act as the identity
provider for identification and authentication of customers for access to
partner systems using secure authentication technologies.
Secure mail and
messaging systems
Implement secure mail and messaging
systems, including those used by bank’s partners & vendors, that include
measures to prevent email spoofing, identical mail domains, protection of
attachments, malicious links etc.
and implement email server specific controls
Vendor Risk
Banks shall be accountable for ensuring
appropriate management and assurance on security risks in outsourced and
partner arrangements.
Banks shall carefully evaluate the need
for outsourcing critical processes and selection of vendor/partner based on
comprehensive risk assessment.
Among others, banks shall regularly
conduct effective due diligence, oversight and management of third party
vendors/service providers & partners.
Establish appropriate framework,
policies and procedures supported by baseline system security configuration
standards to evaluate, assess, approve, review, control and monitor the risks
and materiality of all its vendor/outsourcing activities shall be put in place.
Banks shall ensure and demonstrate that
the service provider adheres to all regulatory and legal requirements of the
country. Banks may necessarily enter into agreement with the service provider
that amongst others provides for right of audit by the bank and inspection by
the regulators of the country.
Reserve Bank of
India shall have access to all information resources that are consumed by banks, to be made
accessible to RBI officials by the banks.
Further, banks have to adhere to the
relevant legal and regulatory requirements relating to geographical location of
infrastructure and movement of data out of borders.
Banks shall thoroughly satisfy about the
credentials of vendor/third-party personnel accessing and managing the bank’s
critical assets.
Background checks, non-disclosure and
security policy compliance agreements shall be mandated for all third party
service providers
Removable Media
Define and implement policy for
restriction and secure use of removable media/BYOD on various types/categories
of devices including but not limited to workstations/PCs/Laptops/Mobile
devices/servers, etc. and secure erasure of data on such media after use.
Limit media types and information that
could be transferred to/from such devices.
Get the removable media scanned for
malware/anti-virus prior to providing read/write access.
Consider implementing centralised
policies through Active Directory or End-point management systems to restrict
removable media use.
As default rule, use of removable
devices and media should not be permitted in the banking environment unless
specifically authorised for defined use and duration of use.
Real-time Threat Defence and Management
Build a robust defence against the
installation, spread, and execution of malicious code at multiple points in the
Implement Anti-malware, Antivirus
protection including behavioural detection systems for all categories of
devices – (Endpoints such as PCs/laptops/ mobile devices etc.), servers
(operating systems, databases, applications, etc.), Web/Internet gateways, email-gateways,
Wireless networks, SMS servers etc. including tools and processes for
centralised management and monitoring.
implementing whitelisting of internet websites/systems.
implementing secure web gateways with capability to deep scan network packets
including secure traffic passing through the internet gateway
Subscribe to Anti-phishing/anti-rouge
app services from external service providers for identifying and taking these down.
Data Leak prevention strategy
a comprehensive data loss/leakage prevention strategy.
This shall include protecting data
processed in end point devices, data in transmission, as well as data stored in
servers and other digital stores.
arrangements need to be ensured at the vendor managed facilities too.
Monitoring, and Analysis of Audit Logs
Consult all the stakeholders before
finalising the scope, frequency and storage of log collection.
Manage and analyse audit logs in a
systematic manner.
Enough care is to be taken to capture
audit logs pertaining to user actions in a system facilitating forensic
Audit Log
Implement and periodically validate
settings for capturing of appropriate logs/audit trails of each device, system
software and application software.
assessment and Penetration Test and Red Team Exercises
Periodically conduct vulnerability
assessment and penetration testing exercises for all the critical systems.
The vulnerabilities detected are to be
remedied promptly in terms of the bank’s risk management/treatment framework.
Penetration testing of public facing
systems as well as other critical applications are to be carried out by
professionally qualified teams.
Findings of VA/PT and the follow up
actions necessitated are to be monitored closely by the Information
Security/Information Technology Audit team as well as Senior/Top Management.
Red Teams may be used to identify the
vulnerabilities and the business risk, assess the efficacy of the defences and
check the mitigating controls already in place by simulating the objectives and
actions of an attacker.
Periodically and actively participate in
cyber drills conducted under the aegis of Cert-IN, IDRBT etc.
Response & Management
Responding to Cyber-Incidents:
Put in place a fully effective Incident
Response programme.
Have written incident response procedures,
including the roles of staff / outsourced staff handling such incidents;
Have a mechanism to dynamically
incorporate lessons learnt to continually improve the response strategies.
Recovery from Cyber - Incidents:
Bank’s BCP/DR capabilities shall
adequately and effectively support the Bank’s cyber resilience objectives and
should be so designed to enable the bank to recover rapidly from
cyber-attacks/other incidents and safely resume critical operations aligned
with recovery time objectives while ensuring security of processes and data is
Banks shall ensure such capabilities in
all interconnected systems and networks.
testing shall also include testing of crisis communication to customers and
other internal and external stakeholders, reputation management. The following
may be considered:
incidents, method of detection, methods of reporting incidents by employees,
vendors and customers and periodicity of monitoring, collection/sharing of
threat information, expected response in each scenario/incident type, allocate
and communicate clear roles and responsibilities of personnel manning/handling
such incidents, provide specialised training to such personnel, post incident
review, periodically test incident response plans.
and implement a Security Operations Centre for centralised and coordinated
monitoring and management of security related incidents.
and implement systems to collect and share threat information from
local/national/international sources following legally accepted/defined
and communicate strategies to respond to advanced attacks containing ransom
ware/cyber extortion, data destruction, DDOS, etc.
the level of cyber-attack by implementing shielding controls/quarantining the
affected devices/systems.
(f) Implement a
policy & framework for aligning Security Operation Centre, Incident
Response and Digital forensics to reduce the business downtime/ to bounce back
to normalcy.
Risk based
transaction monitoring
Risk based transaction monitoring or
surveillance process shall be implemented as part of fraud risk management
system across all -delivery channels.
The bank should notify the customer,
through alternate communication channels, of all payment or fund transfer
transactions above a specified value determined by the customer.
Develop a comprehensive set of metrics
that provide for prospective and retrospective measures, like key performance
indicators and key risk indicators.
Some illustrative metrics include
coverage of anti-malware software and their updation percentage, patch latency,
extent of user awareness training, vulnerability related metrics, etc.
Have support/ arrangement for network
forensics/forensic investigation/DDOS mitigation services on stand-by.
Periodically and actively participate in
cyber drills conducted under the aegis of Cert-IN, IDRBT etc.
User / Employee/
Management Awareness
Define and communicate to
users/employees, vendors & partners security policy/ies covering secure and
acceptable use of bank’s network/assets including customer information/data,
educating them about cybersecurity risks and protection measures at their
Encourage them to report suspicious
behaviour incidents to the incident management team.
Conduct targeted awareness for key
the awareness level periodically.
Establish a mechanism for adaptive
capacity building for effective Cybersecurity Management. Making cyber security
awareness programs mandatory for new recruits and web-based quiz & training
for lower, middle & upper management every year.
Board members may be sensitised on
various technological developments and cyber security related developments
Board members may be provided with
training programmes on IT Risk / Cyber-security Risk and evolving best
practices in this regard so as to cover all the Board members atleast once a
Education and Awareness
Improve and maintain customer awareness
and education with regard to cybersecurity risks.
Encourage customers to report phishing
mails/ Phishing sites and on such reporting take effective remedial action.
Educate the customers on the downside
risk of sharing their login credentials / passwords etc. to any third party
vendor and the consequences thereof.
Setting up and
Operationalising Cyber Security Operation Centre (C-SOC)
that need to be kept in mind while setting up the CSOC is given below. These
are indicative but not exhaustive.
Governance Aspects:
Management/Board Briefing on Threat Intelligence
and oversight
measurement and enforcement
stakeholders , stakeholder participation
Cyber SoC: Points
to be considered
Cyber SoC has to take into account proactive monitoring and management
capabilities with sophisticated tools for detection, quick response and backed
by data and tools for sound analytics.
systems that NEED to be put in place as a part of the Cyber SoC requires the
following aspects to be addressed.
Methods to identify root cause of attacks, classify
them into identified categories and come out with solutions to contain further
attacks of similar types.
Incident investigation, forensics and deep packet
analysis need to be in place to achieve the above.
Dynamic Behaviour Analysis. – preliminary static
& dynamic analysis and collecting Indicators of Compromise (IOC)
Analytics with good dash board, showing the
Geo-location of the IP’s
Counter response and Honeypot services
from SOC:
Ability to Protect critical business and customer
data/information, demonstrate compliance with internal guidelines, country
regulations and laws
Ability to Provide real-time/near-real time
information on and insight into the security posture of the bank
Ability to Effectively and Efficiently manage
security operations by preparing for and responding to cyber risks/threats,
facilitate continuity and recovery
Ability to assess threat intelligence and proactively
identify impact of threats on the bank
Ability to know who did what, when, how and
preservation of evidence
Integration of various log types and logging options
into SIEM, ticketing/workflow/case management, unstructured data/big data,
use cases/rule design (customized based on risk and compliance
requirements/drivers, etc.), etc.
Key Responsibilities
of SOC could include:
Monitor, analyze and escalate security incidents
Develop Response - protect, detect, respond, recover
Conduct Incident Management and Forensic Analysis
Co-ordination with contact groups within the
bank/external agencies
5 - Building blocks for the Cyber
step is to arrive at a suitable and cost effective technology framework
designed and implemented to ensure proactive monitoring capabilities aligned
with the banking technology risk profile and business and regulatory Framework in Banks requirements.
step is to have security analytics engine which can process the logs within
reasonable time frame and come out with possible recommendations with options
for further deep dive investigations
step is to look at deep packet inspection approaches which are currently
implemented using the UTM solutions that deliver wire speed performance with on
the fly deep packet inspection.
step is to have tools and technologies for malware detection and analysis as
well as imaging solutions for data to address the forensics requirements
is to be noted that the solution architecture deployed for the above has to
address performance and scalability requirements in addition to high
Need to think through by
appropriately designing the
architecture & use cases
types and logging options
of various log types and logging options into the SIEM, ticketing/workflow/case
management, unstructured data/big data, reporting/dashboard, use cases/rule
design, etc.
for improving effectiveness and efficiency
Incident Management
management processes with reference to security operations Vulnerability and
Patch Management Security risk management Availability management Computer
forensics and response management are the key metrics that need to be well
understood and architectured while configuring the solution.
is managed and monitored round the clock and therefore it is important to look
at a suitable structure for this requirement.
Level 1 monitoring by adequately trained staff working round the clock is the first
2 deals with highly trained staff in specific areas of network, data security,
end point security etc.
3 staff are called the SoC analysts. They have profound knowledge of security,
perform deep packet analysis, collection of IOC, forensic knowledge for
collection of evidence, malware reverse engineering and write custom scripts
whenever required.
involved need to have a good knowledge of the products and services.
Banks need to
seriously consider practical ways of tackling the following issues when it
comes to hiring and managing staff/people for SOC.
of SOC – is it required to be 24x7x365, in shifts, business hours only….etc.
used - Finding staff with required skills /managed service provider with
required skill set
own staff/training of staff by service provider
compensation/incentives to retain trained staff /staff with required skill set
to measure performance of SOC
scalability and continuity of staff through appropriate capacity planning
response cells, CERT-In and telecom service providers of the Bank may add value
to the discussions based on the happenings in the Industry at large.
of the decisions which have to be taken upfront is to look at BOO or the
Outsourcing model. It is difficult to reverse this decision post implementation
and therefore it is important.
- Should the SoC
be in-house or outsourced?
it address only the Internet facing environment or the complete IT
each Bank need to set up independently or should we look at the consortium
based approach?
- Do we need to
keep in mind the Bank's risk posture?
Points to keep
in mind while planning for SOC in view of
(a) Specialized
skill set requirements of operating and managing a SOC,
(b) Difficulty in
finding experienced staff,
(c) Time consuming
and expensive trainings,
(d) Designing of
suitable compensation strategies,
(e) Difficulty of
retaining staff,
(f) Resource
requirements pertaining to other supporting functions such as (i) system
administration of systems facilitating SOC operations, (ii) receiving,
integrating and using threat intelligence, (iii) implementing communication
strategy, (iv) Supervision of SOC staff, (v) meeting compliance requirements of
Based on
RBI circular dated 02/06/2016. For any further clarification, please visit ……. Poppy
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